Abbreviations & Sources

The following is a list of abbreviations used by Jess Hill in her work on convict women 1788-1818. The abbreviations are listed in chronological, and then alphabetical order. Although every effort has been made to collate and relate the abbreviations to appropriate sources this has not always been possible. The notation (source not located) indicates the problem references. Repositories holding the records have been indicated where possible. These are Museums of History State Archives Collection, previously known as Archives Office of NSW (henceforth AONSW), Mitchell Library (henceforth ML) and the Society of Australian Genealogists (henceforth SAG).

*, **, ***meaning of symbol unknown
2/ plus numberAO. NSW. Reference eg see Phebe Hines
4/ plus numberAO. NSW. Shelf Location
1788/1820A Register of Pioneer Families, 1788-1820 Pioneer Association, 1989 (SAG A5/14/2a-e)
1789/1790Sydney Cove 1789-1790, John Cobley, Sydney, 1963 (SAG B3/1/8b)
18061806 Muster (SAG B7/30/1806)
18111811 Muster (SAG B7/30/1811)
18141814 Muster (SAG B7/30/1814)
18181818 Muster of Convict Women (AONSW 4/1237.2)
18201820 Muster of Convict Women (AONSW 4/1237.2)
18211821 Muster of Convict Women (AONSW)
18221822 Muster (SAG 87/30/1822)
18251825 Muster (SAG B7/30/1825)
18281828 Census (SAG B7/30/1828)
18411841 Census (card index AONSW)
4/353Male Orphan School Admission Book, (AO NSW 4/353)
4/12271819 Population Book, (AONSW 4/1227 Reel 1252)
A 1193(ML Reference) e.g. see Mary Ploughwright
A3/30/15Australia’s Founding Mothers, Helen Heney, Sydney 1978 (SAG A3/30/15)
A/PAbsolute pardon
ABGRAustralian Biographical and Genealogical Record. 4 Vols. (SAG A5/90/201-3, A5/90/301)
Advent of John NicolLife & Adventures of John Nichol – Mariner, Edinburgh, 1822
AJCPAustralian Joint Copying Project (ML)
Anne NeedhamWomen of the Neptune 1790, Sydney, 1992 (SAG B7/40/Pam.2)
AO RLAONSW Reel – prefix to microfilm number
Aus. Founding MothersAustralia’s Founding Mothers, Helen Heney, Sydney 1978, (SAG A3/30/15)
B 1633 M/LML Reference, Liverpool baptismal register
B4.899/1/3Punishment Short of Death, Margaret Hazzard, Melbourne, 1984 (SAG)
B7/1/15St Phillip’s Church Registers, (SAG Reference 5 Vols. B711/15/d-h)
B/Cborn colony
Bigge Reportswith Box number-B.T. Boxes (Mitchell Library) or The Evidence of the Bigge Reports, John Ritchie, Melbourne, 1971 (SAG B3/82/la-b) or facsimile edition of the Bigge Report in 3 Vols, Adelaide, 1966 (SAG B3/82/2-4)
Bonwick TranscriptsB.T. Boxes (Mitchell Library)
C/C[meaning of abbreviation unknown] – possibly Colonial Conviction or Colonial Court
C/Fcame free
C/IConvict Indent
COColonial Office
CODCopy of Document (AO. NSW. Series prefix)
cons[meaning of abbreviation unknown]
C/PConditional Pardon
C’reaghCastlereagh, NSW
Crimes F/FCrimes of the First Fleet Convicts, John Cobley, Sydney, 1970 (SAG B3/23/4)
CSColonial Sentence or prefix to ML microfilm reel
CSLColonial Secretary’s Letters (AONSW Series)
C’townCampbelltown, NSW
C/U, C/UnboundConvicts Unbound, Marjorie Tipping, Ringwood VIC, 1988 (SAG D3/23/6)
emplemployed by
F/A or F of AThe Founders of Australia, Mollie Gillen, Sydney, 1989 (SAG A5/90/47)
F.F.BiogThe First Fleeters, Fidlon & Ryan, Sydney 1981 (SAG A7/50/3)
F.G.Family Group-used in printed edition of 1828 Census, Sydney, 1978
File 4306Tasmanian Papers [source probably Mitchell Library]
FOSFemale .Orphan School Admission Books 1817-1832, (AONSW 4/350-51)
F/Sfree by servitude
G/DGaol Delivery
Geeves[meaning of abbreviation unknown]
G/SGovernment servant
Hobart Town Gazettefacsimile series 1816-19 (SAG D9/82/1) or ML microfilm
H.R.A.Historical Records of Australia series (SAG Reference A3/87/1-33
IGI IndexInternational Genealogical Index
IndentConvict Indents
J.COBLEY 1788Sydney Cove 1788, Jolm Cobley, London, 1962 (SAG B3/1/8/a)
D. Collins 1788An Account of the English Colony in NSW, David Collins, facs. copy, Sydney 1975 (SAG B3/13/2a,b)
JCPAustralian Joint Copying Project (ML)
JD NINorfolk Island 1788-1813, the People & their Families, James Donohoe, Sydney, 1986 (SAG B4.899/2/4)
JD VDLTasmania 1803-1820, the People & their Families, James Donohoe, Sydney, 1988 (SAG D5/14/1)
JD R/CThe Catholics of New South Wales 1788-1820 & their Families, James Donohoe, Sydney, 1988 (SAG B3/92/2)
J Mc C or J Mc LJohn McClelland published typed copies of Convict Indents etc (ML)
King’s List 18011801 Muster
KJKerrison James Index (SAG B7/1/10b-11)
Let. Rcd.Colonial Secretary Letters Received (AONSW)
LicencesPublican’s Licenses or Marriage Licenses
L/JThe Crimes of the Lady Juliana Convicts 1790, John Cobley, Sydney 1989 (SAG B3/23/8)
l/wliving with
Microfiche 66812AONSW Genealogical Research Kit, now known as Archives Resources Kit (ARK)
M/L cardMitchell Library index card
M. Licences Descent‘Marriage Licenses: Abstract & Indexes in the Library of the Society of Australian Genealogists’ Descent, Journal of the Society of Australian Genealogists, 1984
MOSMale Orphan School Admission Registers 1819-184 7, (ML C 200)
MUTCHT.D. Mutch, Index of Births, Death & Marriages (SAG B7/1/1a-d)
N/B[meaning of abbreviation unknown]
N.I. or NINorfolk Island
NIVBNorfolk Island Victualling Book, (SAG B7/30/1792-6)
N/castle, NICNewcastle, NSW
N/Pnative place
NS/DGNotorious Strumpets and Dangerous Girls, Philip Tardiff, Sydney, 1990 (SAG D3/23/8)
O.BOld Bailey Sessions Papers (OBSP) Microfilm series (ML)
off/stoff stores
On/ston stores i.e. victualled by Government
O/R[meaning of abbreviation unknown]
Pet and MemPetitions and Memorials, Colonial Secretary’s Papers (AONSW)
PET p 412probably Col.Sec Petitions
PETITCol. Sec. Petitions
Pion. or Pioneers SAG ZThe Pioneers of Sydney Cove, Herbert Rumsey, n.d. (SAG ZB5/35/1)
P’m or P’mattaParramatta, NSW
P.R. SAGPrimary Record Collection (SAG)
PRO ReelPublic Record Office Reel (Series held at AONSW & ML)
PtePrivate Soldier
Q.R.Quarterly Returns
Q.S.Quarter Sessions
q.v.‘quod vide’ (which see) treated in this work
Reg. Gen. Book 0 No 84Registrar General’s Land Title’s Office register
Rev Knopwood’s Records[location of record unknown]
Rev Youll’ s Records[location of record unknown]
R.G./RG. lndexNSW Births, Deaths & Marriages
Rl or RL -reelMicrofilm located at AONSW (unless accompanied by ML)
Rumsey or Rumsey PioneersThe Pioneers of Sydney Cove, Herbert Rumsey, n.d. (SAG ZB5/35/1)
SAGSociety of Australian Genealogists
S.G.Sydney Gazette & NSW Advertiser (ML)
S/BSpecial Bundles
S/coveSydney Cove 1791-2, John Cobley, Sydney, 1965 (SAG B3/1/8c)
S/e, S/Eself employed
SmeeThird Fleet Families of Australia, Dr Craig Smee, Sydney, 1991 (SAG A5/14/7)
St Anne’s RydeChurch Register, St Anne’s, Ryde, Church Register
St J.Church Register, St John’s, Parramatta or St James’ Sydney
St Jas. Reg.Church Register, St James, Sydney
St. M.Church Register, St. Matthew’s, Windsor
St Math. W’ sorChurch Register, St Matthew’s, Windsor
St Ph. Reg.Church Register, St Phillip’s, Sydney
SunThe Sun, Sydney newspaper
Surgeons JnlsSurgeon Superintendents’ Journals (PRO Reel series AONSW)
Syd Hospital Return[location of record unknown]
Syd. GazSydney Gazette & NSW Advertiser (ML)
Tas. Papers FileState Library –
T/L, TL, T/LeaveTicket of Leave
Ux‘uxor’ -wife
VB plus yearVictualling Book usually Norfolk Is. Victualling Book (see NIVB above)
VDLVan Diemen’s Land-now Tasmania
Vic. Cr. or VIC Critvarious books by Victor Crittenden
Wwidow or widower
W’sorWindsor, NSW
X with numberAONSW previous number system